Wednesday, September 20, 2023

#yes, it's random

 Dear Life, 

I am the first to admit that sometimes my thoughts greatly resemble a bag of cats. They're all in there. There's no order (you really thought there would be order?!? that's funny). It's loud. There are a bunch of claws and screaming. And everything is trying to get out at the same time. So, Life, I figured I would share these pearls of randomness, perspective, and curiosity with you. I fully realize that almost if not all of these things are Google-able, but I haven't got to that point yet. Sometimes it's just more fun to wonder aimlessly. So, here you go: 

  • Who was the genius who thought 'whale blubber would be a great flammable substance!!'?

  • How come sometimes my body is soooooo tired but my mind cannot shut off? And of course, it's thinking back to when I was in class in 7th grade but also thinking what it will be like when I'm 90 all at the same time. "Do you think I'll still be wearing Vans?" Probably. 

  • Can someone explain why Jell-o was the centerpiece of meals in the 50's? And how the love Jell-o with sardine paste and cottage cheese was featured as an actual recipe?? I just...don't understand. (And was it served with crackers or something?? salad?? What side goes with it???)

  • And who looked at tree sap and thought 'you know what this would be great with?!? PANCAKES!!' What??

  • Why can I crochet but not knit??

  • Is it weird that it’s already September?? I remember being a kid and feeling like time went by soooooo molasses slowly. Now, it’s like sometimes when I’m in a plane I can feel a fraction of how fast we’re hurdling through the sky. And I have my tiny little seat belt to keep me secured. It’s ironic. Both the comparison of time from then to now and the puny seatbelt vs. literal jet engines. Yah.

  • Who invented the semi-colon? I mean I know WHY it's needed, but WHOOOO? 

  • I love shoes, but I'm at this point in my life where I cannot wear all the shoes that I love. Of all the things about which I am picky, shoes are it. I have to be able to stand in them, fly in them, walk 5 miles in a concourse (no lie), run in them, and not hate them in 7 minutes. 

  • No, really…WHO figured out that if you take the tail hair of a horse and PEE on it, it would make a sound over a CAT’S INTESTINE pulled taught?? WHO was the gross, psychopath who created the violin?? And it's weird accompanying bow??  

  • Who looked at a big pile of cow dung and thought 'yah, I'mma put that ALL OVER my field.' (Shrugging my shoulders confused.) I mean it works, but (shrug). 

  • WHY did Louis Pasteur think that bread mold would be the solution to internal bacteria when it is (in fact) a bacteria all on its own???
I'll stop there for this episode. You know, give you a chance to think about it and dip into your own bizarre bag o' cats. 

More to come, 

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